Several companies worldwide choose a SharePoint intranet as the heart of their collaboration and communication. And since every organization has a unique environment, it’s almost impossible to find two identical corporate portals. Nevertheless, there are general trends that strongly influence different companies. Since we’ve been working as a SharePoint Development Company, we’ve found that in most cases companies choose one of two types of intranets:
- Business-driven intranet in which the functions for the fulfilment of work-related tasks dominate.
- Social intranet that focuses on communication and corporate culture.
In our blog post, we show some examples of both types of SharePoint intranets and explain how and when each type is used in organizations. A SharePoint Development Company, like Al Rafay consulting, is an essential part of any data storage and management organization to get better results by utilizing all the best features of Microsoft SharePoint.
Business-getriebene SharePoint-Intranets
Business-driven enterprise portals aim to help employees make their daily work processes more efficient with less effort. With some real-world examples of SharePoint intranets, you can explore what business-driven intranets look like.
- Business-specific Web Parts and App Parts help employees stay current with the latest news and updates on their intranet. In this way, they no longer have to deal with gathering information from numerous external sources. In this intranet, for example, regularly updated business news and important financial data are displayed directly on the homepage.
- Customized SharePoint sites and subsites can meet different business needs. This portal provides a real estate company with a set of task management websites and allows employees to access company solutions such as CRM and project management systems. The intranet also contains the Idea Lab – a separate area where employees can capture their knowledge and develop new business ideas. SharePoint Development Company helps you to achieve these tasks and get maximum output.
- Fully functional internal portals with a limited range of functions are aimed at fulfilling specific tasks that are particularly crucial for the success of company activities. The next example shows how a SharePoint intranet helps the social care provider to facilitate internal learning processes. The intranet includes a training centre that staff can access as they go about their daily tasks, websites where the personal progress of each employee can be tracked, and other areas for collaboration between employees and their mentors.
Also Read About: Develop Powerful SharePoint Applications in Less Time via PowerApps
What Role Does A Business-Driven Sharepoint Intranet Play?
Intranets focused on business support organizational processes, help employees to cope with their daily tasks and strengthen cross-departmental collaboration in the team. Business-driven intranets typically enable organizations to achieve the following goals:
- Provide a central source of information. A company portal serves as a central platform for company news, industry-specific trends, project-related updates, organizational knowledge, and other specific business information.
- to simplify business processes. A business-driven intranet offers its users various functions such as B. document management, quality assurance, project management and much more to support them in their daily work.
- Encourage collaboration between employees for better business outcomes. A SharePoint intranet connects teams and individuals so they can communicate and collaborate anytime, anywhere. That way, they get their job done faster and more efficiently.
- Support end-to-end collaboration across the boundaries of different enterprise solutions. A company portal can serve as a tool for linking individual company systems, allowing employees to work together equally effectively and comfortably, regardless of which solution they use.
- Ensure a secure digital work environment. With a company-wide intranet, different departments and teams get access to the dedicated collaboration areas where all activities and data are protected and treated confidentially. Access to it is governed by different permission levels that can be used to isolate company-wide content.
- Enabling knowledge and learning management as well as generating ideas and innovative thinking. A SharePoint intranet can handle all of these tasks and serve as a home for knowledge bases, learning management systems, training programs, and personal development plans. It also allows for smooth communication between learners and their teachers.
At the end of this writing, I would recommend you to hire a professional SharePoint and powerapps development Company to get maximum output from the best features of Microsoft SharePoint. Al Rafay Consulting is one of the leading names in providing services to data management companies. We have an experienced team of SharePoint professionals who have command over all the features and utilities of Microsoft SharePoint.