Facts you Need to Know About 3d Printed Dentures
When you have a patient with missing teeth, the first thing you do is recommend that they get dentures. Of course, you will judge whether they need full or partial dentures, but the real choice is whether to use traditional or 3d printed dentures. You may already be familiar with traditional dentures, but their 3D counterparts may be new to your patients. Here is some information about this incredible piece of dental technology that your patients may like to know:
What are 3D Dentures?
3D dentures are an option for dental patients who are missing some or all of their teeth. The difference between these and traditional dentures is that they are made using the latest 3D printing technology. The best part is that it is much less invasive than traditional. The first 3D printer was invented in 1983 to make toys, musical instruments and even body parts. As the years have progressed, this kind of technology has advanced significantly. It enables smoother processes in many industries, including medicine and healthcare.
How are 3D Dentures Made?
To create 3D dentures, you need to take digital impressions and bite models of your patient and then upload them to the denture design software. Once this is done, you can design the dentures in real-time before they are printed. The 3D printer then uses thin layers of plastic in a specific order to create the model you have created. With the help of computer-generated measurements, you will soon have several samples of dentures that you can use to call the patient in for a fitting. Once you have made the final adjustments, you can have the final versions of the dentures. The entire process could be completed in just a week.
What are the Advantages of 3D Dentures?
If you’re not sure whether 3D dentures are better than traditional dentures, maybe knowing their benefits can help you decide. 3D-printed dentures are much easier to manufacture. Unlike the traditional ones, where you would have to go through several sessions with the patient to create the form, design and fit, the 3D version only takes a few days. If this type of denture happens to break, just use the saved file to reprint them. Plus, 3D dentures fit your patients better because digital scanners can capture all the details in their mouths. They are easily customizable and more durable.
The Future of Dentures is Here in Digital Dentures
Technology has come a long way in improving the way doctors work. With the help of updated 3D printers, you can give your patients the maximum level of care with 3D dentures. They are minimally invasive, quick to manufacture and more durable than traditional dentures. They are also easily customizable to your patient’s needs.
Offer 3d Digital Dentures In Your Dental Office
If you want to start providing 3D dentures as a service in your dental practice, make sure you choose only the best dental labs that are experienced in handling 3D technology. It will make your job easier and allow you to provide your patients with a smoother dental care experience.