How Ai Is Changing The Fitness Industry
The fitness industry is no stranger to trends. From Pilates and Zumba to Soul Cycle and Barry’s Bootcamp, there’s always something new that fitness fanatics are trying to get their sweat on. But there’s one trend that’s here to stay, and that’s the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) into fitness. Here’s a look at how AI is changing the fitness industry.
Virtual Reality Workouts
Virtual reality (VR) is already being used in some gyms to enhance people’s workout experience. For example, rowers can strap on a VR headset and find themselves transported to a breathtaking waterfall, or cyclists can immerse themselves in a grueling uphill climb in the Alps. While VR has been around for a while, it’s only now that the technology has advanced enough to be used in this way. And as VR continues to evolve, we can only expect to see more and more gyms using it to give their members an immersive workout experience.
Personalized Fitness Plans
One of the benefits of AI is that it can be used to create personalized fitness plans for everyone. Thanks to wearable devices such as Fitbits and Apple Watches, we now have access to a wealth of data about our daily activity levels, sleep patterns, and diet. This data can then be fed into algorithms that analyze it and spit out tailored recommendations for how we can improve our health. For example, if you’re not getting enough deep sleep, the algorithm might recommend that you go to bed earlier or turn off your screens an hour before bedtime. Or if you’ve been eating out a lot lately, it might suggest that you cook at home more often or add more fruits and vegetables to your diet.
Fitness Apps
Another way that AI is changing the fitness industry is by powering fitness apps. There are now thousands of AI fitness apps on the market, and many of them use AI to provide users with a personalized experience. For example, the app Train Fitness offers users access to live and on-demand classes taught by certified instructors. But what sets Train Fitness apart from other fitness apps is its use of AI to provide users with customized recommendations for classes based on their preferences and past behavior. So, if you tend to take a lot of cycling classes, Train Fitness will recommend similar classes for you to try. Or if you never work out on weekends but always work out early in the morning during the weekdays, the app will recommend classes that are scheduled for those timeslots.
There’s no doubt about it: AI is changing the fitness industry—and for the better! Thanks to advances in technology, we now have access to innovative new workouts like virtual reality workouts and personalized fitness plans that are tailored specifically for us. And as AI continues to evolve, we can only expect even more exciting developments in the world of fitness!
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