How to Land a Dream Tech Career in 2022?
Looking for a new ideal job in tech? Here’s how to retrain in skills that matter in the digital age.
It can be no secret that we are entering into a new era of technology. The digitisation of the working world is almost complete, with nobody quite sure where that world will end or lead. Will all products be digital one day? Will we end up merging with the internet? Whatever happens, retraining in tech right now is the exact way to ensure you have a role in this digital future.
Landing that dream career is a different story, though. We can’t just go out and apply for tech jobs we don’t have the skills for. Retraining starts now. Let’s review how we can start working towards a career in tech today, to land work in just a few short months.
How to Retrain in Tech?
Retraining in tech doesn’t always have to start with you going to college or university. However, enrolling in these classes online is a great idea. It will give you the head start you need to get your skills in order while simultaneously allowing you to work your retraining around your day. You could be continuing your daily retail job while you study tech in your lunchbreak.
Which Tech Courses to Choose?
A basic computing qualification is your best starting point. From here, you can add a plethora of skills. Computing and tech careers tend to operate under the premise of programming. You learn new skills as you accumulate knowledge of different software systems and programs. Essentially, you could land a dream tech career by studying each program and learning how it operates, without that foundation in computing. The foundation in computing will make things much easier for you.
Once you have a good knowledge of computing, you can find the areas you enjoy most and narrow down your specialisations. If you like to write code, for example, learning how to become a tech architect or web developer is a feasible next step. Perhaps you enjoy network specific roles. You could accumulate a wealth of knowledge in server management and hosting.
Accumulating those skills in different software systems is key here. If you can build up a working array of knowledge that you can take to any job, you are twice as likely to land that job as someone with an honours degree in basic computing.
Where to Find Tech Jobs?
One of the best sites in the UK for landing those tech roles is Hays Technology Jobs. You can upload your own CV as well as browsing advertised roles. This gives you twice the exposure as a normal career or job site does.
You can find tech jobs in your local area through social media sites and online adverts, too. As the demand for tech workers grows, so too will the advertising streams. We are already in the middle of a digital skills gap where companies are crying out for digital workers. In just a few months’ time, you could be filling that role.