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How To Speed Up Themes And Plugins Development For WordPress?

How To Speed Up Themes And Plugins Development For WordPress?


Are you a WordPress Developer? Would you like to speed up your WordPress development? If yes, are in the right place. Here we go with some tips to speed up Themes and Plugins development for WordPress.

Discuss Carefully the Project Requirements

The first thing you should do is discuss carefully the project requirements with your client. If you are developing themes or plugins for your client, you’d better draw the line clearly between your client’s requests and your responsibilities.

Money is not everything but client satisfaction is the ultimate. Create a good functioning theme or plugin for your client.

Use a Project Management Tool

If you are working as a Team. You can use free project management tools like Asana, Trello or MeisterTask to easily collaborate with your team in one place. If you are working as a team with 10 or 15 members, you can Asana because it lets you collaborate with up to 15 teammates for absolutely free.

Keep A Project Tracking Report

We recommended keeping a project tracking report. You should make a habit of making a report whenever you finish a project. This could help you in estimating time for a project. You should track the time spent on each and every theme, plugins or website you created.

Stay Focused

Stay focused while you are working. Apply any methods that you think are most effective to remove any distractions. Better to stop using apps like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit that kill your time. Try a clean workspace to be more focused.

Find the best Method to Reset WordPress Environment

If you are working as a WordPress developer, things are harder if you ever need to reset the site. You won’t need to uninstall and reinstall to start from scratch if you have WP Reset Plugin. It helps you to reset any kind of WordPress site in just one-click. It works perfectly without any errors.

Hope these tips help you to speed up Themes and Plugins Development for WordPress. Did you like this article? Let us know your thoughts through the comments. Also, visit WP Newsify to get more interesting tips and tricks related to WordPress.

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