How Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality Influence The Industry (With A Simple Review Of Pico Neo 2 And Vuzix M400)
We have reached the 4th industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, and in this new stage conventional production methods and techniques are transformed thanks to new technologies.
The industry in general is increasingly looking for new technologies that can help them do their work more safely, efficiently and economically. And with the advent of this increasingly digitized industry, many new possibilities open up. Among the new technologies applied to the industry, Virtual Reality and especially Augmented Reality are a key point, as they provide new useful information to improve and streamline production processes. Thus, we can think of smart factories, where the connection between machines, people and data allows to improve the productivity of the industry.
And although we talk about both Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, each of them brings us different advantages in the industry sector.
Industry 4.0 And Virtual Reality
The Virtual Reality applied in the industry helps us to create a “digital factory”, where we can mainly experiment and test the designed products before starting the production processes. In other words, tests are carried out in the virtual world, which will later be applied to the real world. Virtual Reality is also applied in the industry during the learning periods of the workers, since in this way they can visualize all the operations to be carried out and remember the necessary information much better. Finally, Virtual Reality is used in the industry even for the simulation of dangerous situations. Operators can be put through a variety of situations with Virtual Reality, better preparing for the potential hazards that could happen at the factory. A trending VR tool is the Pico Neo 2, which we cover in the following:
Pico Neo 2
This is a VR headset with a VR room scale feature (6DoF) making it suitable for interactive training, and simulation creation before a new product launch. The room-scale feature is able to create a more realistic virtual world, and if applied to a product presentation, prospective buyers will tend to be more easily impressed. This headset works on open Android systems. This is an advantage. Why? Because each company can make modifications to some extent. The Pico Neo 2 can also operate independently, requiring no additional peripheral devices. In other words, this headset can be moved anywhere with ease. The absence of additional peripheral devices ensures a faster set-up of tools, something that is much needed in industrial presentations. This device does not use an optical tracker so that any user can place it on any part of the body; behind the back, on the head, etc. In this context, this tool is certainly better than the Oculus series.
We can buy Pico Neo 2 online from VR Expert, the buy vuzix m400
Industry 4.0 And Augmented Reality
On the other hand, Augmented Reality offers the industry a large amount of data that can be connected in real time with other systems. With Augmented Reality, we manage to mix physical and digital reality to provide additional information and build totally new realities. This also allows us a better control of all the information of the industry and a better organization in general, monitoring all the manufacturing processes. In addition, with Augmented Reality we can have additional information on site about the tasks to be carried out, overprinting the instructions for any operation in the operator’s field of vision while working with the new product or design. We can even access multimedia content that allows us to solve any incident in a more agile way.
An AR tool that is trending is the Vuzix M400, which we will discuss below:
Vuzix M400
The Vuzix M400 is the most suitable tool for the manufacturing and warehouse logistics industries. This AR headset is equipped with a 12.8 MP camera and is capable of producing 4k quality videos. With a high-end camera embedded in it, this headset is perfect for error spotting / diagnostics. Like Pico Neo 2, we can buy Vuzix M400 online from the best Dutch virtual reality agency, VR Expert!
Another advantage (compared to similar AR headsets) is that the Vuzix M400 has a higher impact resistance. This tool can be dropped from a height of 2 meters without being damaged.
The third advantage is that it is very light; only 190 grams. That includes the USB cable, frame, and battery.
And the fourth advantage is that it is compatible with other types of Vuzix series. You can add accessories taken from other Vuzix devices.
With its 1000mAh battery, this headset can last up to 3 hours of use. The longer the duration of an AR device, the better it is used in industrial processes.
Future industries need more efficiency, including better working hours, production costs, error spotting, etc. And all of that is difficult to achieve without Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.