Tech Jazy

Make a Subform Combo Box to show results based upon data in its row

MS Access: 2016

I have a subform with two combo boxes. There is a unique ID field on each row (this comes from the form’s SQL). I want to use that ID value in the SQL that populates the Combo Box. However, the combo boxes show results only for the ID from the first row. Is there a way to have access use the ID value from each row?

The first Combo Box on each row has two columns to demonstrate the issue. Here we see the last row combo box using the ID from the first row. I want each combo box to use the ID from its row. 

Restating the issue using ID numbers: In the above example the last row combo box displays the results for ID = 138908. It should display the results from ID = 138917. Actually all rows use the ID from the first row (ID = 138908).

Any thoughts on how to pull the ID from the row the combo box is on?

Here is the SQL from the first combo box:

SELECT codes_bis_vio.violation, codes_bis_vio_choice.bis_log_id
FROM codes_bis_vio 
INNER JOIN codes_bis_vio_choice ON codes_bis_vio.bis_vio_code = codes_bis_vio_choice.bis_vio_code
WHERE (((codes_bis_vio_choice.bis_log_id)=[Forms]![frmDailyPoints]![frmDailyPointsPrevBisSub].[Form]![ID]));

And the table relationship

And the subform in design mode:

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