The Ultimate Strategies to Create a Comfortable Workspace for Employees
The design of the workspace and its environment can influence a person’s activities, behavior, mindset, and conditions at work. Thus why the office environment is one of the keys that can determine employee performance.
A common problem that often arises in the workplace is stress at work. One of the causes of stress among employees is the non-conducive working environment or workspace conditions along with the lack of comfort level. These two will have a big effect on employee performance.
In order to work with enthusiasm and full energy, employees need a comfortable work environment. Keep reading to know more about what you can do as an employer to create human-centered workspace design!
Appropriate Arrangement and Use of Furniture
Focusing on the wellness of your teams can also be done by choosing the right furniture. This is because stress at work can be caused by furniture that is uncomfortable for employees to be used.
One important thing that you should do is by purchasing ergonomic office chairs and desks which have a design that takes into account the alignment between the anatomy of the human body. It might cost you more, but consider this as a long-term investment in your office!
And also make sure that in the desk area, there are no items that can interfere with work. Remember, each item and furniture used at the office must have a functional value.
Improve Indoor Air Quality with Decorative Plants
At the office, employees spend hours constantly in a room that is carpeted and using air conditioner, this can make the air quality in the office space slowly decrease. Bad indoor air quality can affect health in the long term.
What you can do to prevent this, aside from hiring a commercial office cleaning Singapore, is by decorating your office with green plants. Not only can it help improve air circulation, but plants can also be effective to reduce stress levels that often occur among employees.
The calming effect of plants can maintain productivity levels, boost mental health and foster a pleasant atmosphere. It can also help to beautify the working space. Several plants are suitable for office space, but monstera is definitely one of the plants that you should have in your office.
Proper Workspace Lighting
Lighting in the office has a big impact on employees, so ensuring your office has good lighting is very important to create optimal work performance. There are 2 lighting sources that you should pay attention to, natural lighting and artificial lighting.
Natural lighting is obtained from sunlight, and it is one of the best lighting sources for the office because it can make the office look brighter and healthier. You can even save monthly expenses with usage of natural lightning. Therefore it will be better if your office has a big window space that can help natural lighting to enter the space easily.
But do remember, that even though your office has a good source of natural light – it still needs artificial lighting to be put around the area. Use a lamp that is not too bright but not too dim to better maintain employees’ productivity.
Decorate Office Wall with Motivational Quotes
At work, a feeling of laziness and fatigue often arises. The atmosphere in the office space is very influential in raising the performance or morale of employees. Therefore, installing wallpaper or stickers with motivational quotes on the wall can help to provide energy for the employees at work. Choose wording that will make everyone who reads it feel positive and energetic!
Using Bright Colors for the Workspace
Using a color composition will affect the atmosphere of the space where you work. In workspaces, you should never use dark colors. Dark coloring for a space can give the room a dreary and narrower feeling, even for some it might also be suffocating! Therefore the use of a bright color composition is preferred for an office space. It can give the impression of enthusiasm and the room will look spacious!
It is not unusual for employees to have to spend long hours at work due to their work. Thus, ensuring that they are provided with a comfortable working space can help to enhance not only their productivity but also their body and mental health!