Which One Is Better: ReactJS or React Native
Hello developer! As you know, the creation of web and mobile applications is a very time consuming and difficult task. And for this reason, specialists have developed special programs – frameworks. It’s no secret that a framework is a software that allows you to simplify the development and assembly of various modules (parts) of one software project. Platform development using reliable technologies makes the entire process fast, efficient, and straightforward. When it comes to choosing which framework to use, the choice is between ReactJS and React Native. Let’s talk about them further in the article which is called ‘Which One Is Better: ReactJS Or React Native’. You will read about the benefits of each technology. Although it is worth noting that the programs are different in some ways, and therefore it is impossible to say unambiguously which one is better. Let’s begin!
Key Characteristics of React
The React library was first released by Facebook in 2013. This JavaScript library has become one of the most loved and requested technologies, as well as the most trending technology on StackOverflow. Quite a strong argument for someone wondering about becoming a React developer, isn’t it? But let’s not jump to conclusions. Instead, let’s take a look at the main features of React that have made this library so popular. Moreover, we will try to find out if these features are important only for developers or may also bring benefits to customers. With the help of React, developers create web applications that change display without reloading the page. This allows applications to quickly respond to user actions, such as filling out forms, applying filters, adding items to the cart, and so on. React is used to render UI components. Also, the library can fully manage the frontend. In this case, React is used with state management and routing libraries such as Redux and React Router.
One of the key features of React is its versatility. This library can be used on the server and on mobile platforms (but in such case we need another technology about which you will read further – React Native).
Another important feature of the library is declarative ness. With the help of React, the developer describes how the components of the interface look in different states. A declarative approach shortens the code and makes it understandable.
React is component-based, which is another key feature of the library. Each component returns a part of the user interface with its own state. By combining the components, the programmer creates a complete web application interface.
An important feature of React is its use of JSX. This is a JavaScript syntax extension that is useful for describing an interface. JSX is like HTML, but it’s still JavaScript. JSX allows you to write JavaScript code using ready-made components that almost completely duplicate HTML. This makes the development process easier.
An important feature of React is the use of the virtual DOM – an object that stores information about the state of an interface. When the state changes, such as after submitting a form or clicking a button, React calculates the difference between the old and new states. The library then renders the new state. Using the virtual DOM allows the library to efficiently update the real DOM.
Subtotal: React is a popular UI library. Its main features include declaratively, component approach, versatility, the use of virtual DOM, and JSX.
What About React Native?
You may prefer React Native to develop your mobile app. Obviously, React Native has its pros and cons. Despite the fact that professional web developers still prefer to work with native tools, there are a huge number of aspiring developers who consider React Native as the basis for their projects. Although you shouldn’t consider React Native as an intermediate step in development. It allows you to write hybrid mobile applications that will run on iOS, Android, Universal Windows platforms and, at the same time, externally will practically not differ from native applications. In fact, apps written in React Native fall somewhere in between native and hybrid. I can say that this framework represents the future of mobile app development, and makes the line between native and hybrid development more transparent. Compared to classical iOS and Android development, React Native offers many other possibilities. Since your application is mostly JavaScript, there are many benefits to be gained. For example, in order to see the changes added to the code, you can immediately “update” the application, without waiting for the completion of the build. Why did React Native become so popular?
- JavaScript is used to write code, in particular React. To get started, you need to have experience writing code in JavaScript and know React. And in any case, for high-quality writing for both Android and iOS, you need a certain experience. The platforms have many similarities and specificities, so the risk of confusion in the development process is high. In other words, React Native is simple and convenient if the developer understands what he is doing and what needs to be achieved in the end;
- It is possible to quickly write an application for both platforms. Fewer costs – more profitable for business;
- Large library of native and non-native components;
- For debugging the application, you can use the browser, there is also a hot-reload to quickly view changes. There is no need to rebuild the application when making changes to the code;
- For rendering components, the native components of the used system are used (for example, UIImage / ImageView), respectively, the performance of such a UI is higher than when using a web view;
- It is simple to create your own library for React Native, using the native functionality of the system;
- Another reason why RN has gained popularity in recent years is that it is used by such giants as Facebook, Instagram, Skype, Tesla, Baidu, Bloomberg, etc.
- React Native provides another major benefit: Updates are automatically installed in apps, and you don’t have to go through the standard manual installation process through the App Store (for iOS) or Play Store (for Android). The ability to automatically update all applications eliminates the possibility of problems with earlier versions.
If you have already decided that your future application will be hybrid, but have not yet decided what tools will be used to implement hybrid development, we recommend choosing React Native. Perhaps, in this case, the project will take a little longer and will cost a little more than using other frameworks used to create hybrid applications. But at the same time, your finished product will look and behave like a native application on all platforms.
Job market situation: salaries and vacancies to React and React to Native developers. There are over 3,000 jobs on React job search sites in early 2020. In these ads, employers list the ability to write in React as a requirement for candidates. The jobs are sometimes called “React Developer”, but in essence, employers are looking for front-end developers who can use React in app development. That is, employers welcome knowledge of React from candidates for jobs that are not directly related to front-end development. Usually, in such cases, companies are looking for experienced programmers, so they offer solid salaries. Knowledge of React Native will allow candidates to qualify for positions as mobile app developers. There are fewer specialists in these areas on the market. It can be difficult to develop large applications because hybrid development is more suitable for simple applications.
Subtotal: Being able to work with React is a good advantage when looking for a job for both front-end and back-end specialists.
The reasons that I described above are enough to get an idea of React and React Native and understand which one is suitable for developing an application in your particular case. In any case, only you will make the decision. It remains only to remind you that first of all you need to take into account the specifics of the future product, the experience of your development team, and the specific conditions of the project. Thanks for reading the article and now you will be able to choose between react js or react native development for your project.